I had dinner last night at the newest location of Kansas City’s best tapas restaurant, La Bodega. This was actually my second trip in as many weeks. I’ve always enjoyed the small plate concept and no one executes it better. It also led to a foodie discussion of the difference between the different pork products […]
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Lobster Facts and Trivia
My friend Marcy has been telling me for years that I need a dog. She thinks it would be good for me to have a pet for companionship. I have always avoided getting one based on the fact that my schedule prevents me from being home frequently enough to let it outside. I can see […]

Dr Strange Salmon
or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Genetically Modified Salmon Earlier this week I posted a link to a story regarding the AquAdvantage genetically modified salmon. In the days since, I have become fascinated by this concept. I have consumed dozens of articles on the topic and several related topics. I have also […]

Seafood During Pregnancy
If you sell seafood at your restaurant, you will inevitably come in contact with pregnant women concerned whether or not it is safe. During pregnancy the only thing you get more than designer baby clothes that the child wont be able to appreciate is advice on what not to eat. Seafood is confusing to expectant […]

Fun Crab Facts and Jokes
They say you gotta give the people what they want. In this case it seems to be crabs. The number of searches I have seen this week that landed on my crab post is overwhelming. So I decided to revisit my favorite decapods. The previous post was a bit more scientific and specific. Today, I […]
- Tipping On To Go Orders October 18, 2010
- Understanding French Sauces (Part One) June 22, 2010
- Fruit Flies July 9, 2010
- Pasta Name Origins June 9, 2010
- Foodie Friday: Beef Made Easy (Part One) April 23, 2010
- The Role of Restaurant Suppliers in the Food Industry December 4, 2015
- Essential Tips for Maintaining Kitchen Refrigeration Equipment November 5, 2013
- Your Restaurant Server Will Not Spit In Your Food October 29, 2013
- Why We Should Not Ban Tipping In Restaurants August 10, 2013
- The Power of Propane Tanks in Restaurant Operations July 25, 2013
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About The Author
David Hayden was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. He took his first serving job in 1996. Since that time, he has worked for over a dozen different restaurant companies. He has held both hourly and salaried positions at independent and corporate restaurants. He has waited on over 100,000 guests and trained hundreds of servers. He has been named "Best Server in Kansas City" the last three years by the local weekly paper.